This is a touching story of a young woman - Jessica - and her chosen journey towards deafness. Jessica had Neurofibromatosis (NF2) - a genetic disorder that causes growth on tumours on nerves. One of the effects is growth of tumours on auditory nerves - which will eventually affect hearing. When her brain tumours were detected, Jessica had to make a choice - get operated and lose hearing or do not get operated and lose life.
What comes of this heart-wrenching story is the way Jessica chose to handle the "adversity" that faced her. She kept a video log of the last 30 days of her hearing life and face the impending silent-world head-on.
Jessica was featured on Good Morning America on ABC News.
See the video and read the full story here: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Story?id=5666574&page=1
BTW, the video is not captioned. Do you see an irony here? :)